Some of the items included:
60-Day Savings Challenges – Perfect if you’re looking for a short-term goal with quick wins.
100 Envelope Savings Challenge – This one is a game-changer! Label 100 envelopes with different amounts (from 1 to 100) and pick one at random each week to save that amount. By the end, you’ll have saved 5,050! Talk about a fun way to watch your savings grow!
52-Week Challenges – Want to spread out your savings over a year? These are ideal for steady, consistent progress.
Debt Snowball Worksheets – Ready to tackle debt head-on? I’ve included worksheets to track your debt payoff journey with the popular Debt Snowball Method.
Savings Jar Challenges – Super fun and visual! Fill up those jars and watch your savings grow.
Save by Numbers, Bee Savings Challenge, Change Challenge etc.
Seasonal & Holiday Savings Challenges – Whether you’re planning for Christmas, summer vacation, or back-to-school expenses, there’s a themed challenge for every occasion.
…And so much more!
There’s something for everyone in this collection, no matter where you are in your financial journey or what you’re saving for.
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